Read Online SAT ACT TOEFL College Prep English Practice K Titchenell 9781461083801 Books

By Bryan Richards on Thursday 2 May 2019

Read Online SAT ACT TOEFL College Prep English Practice K Titchenell 9781461083801 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 314 pages
  • Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (May 5, 2011)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 146108380X

SAT ACT TOEFL College Prep English Practice K Titchenell 9781461083801 Books Reviews

  • Review by Dawn Winters, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, LLC, March, 2013.

    The original review may be found here [...]

    SAT, ACT, TOEFL College Prep English Practice is an amazing book! It is recommended for "English speakers or advanced ESL speakers who want to augment their vocabulary and improve their language and writing skills in preparation for college, college entrance exams or for writing and publishing in English."

    I loved this from the Introduction

    "Mastery of the English language is one of the world's most valuable accomplishments and the ability to demonstrate that language competence in interviews, applications, essays and published works often carries more weight in the college entrance process than does an examination score."

    The beginning of the book covers basic information about the SAT, ACT and TOEFL - providing quick information and suggestions of what to do to prepare for these tests. It then jumps directly in to "the meat" of the book, consisting of short stories that provide a ton of vocabulary. Each of the twelve chapters contains a short story (ranging 2 - 6 pages) with vocabulary words (the definitions are provided both in the side of each page and at the end of the story). There is then a comprehension quiz (with the answers provided), followed by "Language Notes", another quiz (with answers) and a "Project" (like "Rewrite the story using synonyms"). Each story has a little black & white hand-drawn picture with it as well.It closes with Appendix A (all the vocab words), Appendix B (covers parts of speech), Appendix C (Fundamental Greek and Latin Roots) and Appendix D (online resources).

    Homeschoolers and homeschooling are mentioned several times, which was nice to see, since we are a homeschooling family.

    At first I was a little "afraid" of what this book was going to be ... too much for us yet? But to my pleasant surprise, I found it to be an amazingly useful tool that will be of great benefit to our family! It is easy to read and understand. It is easy to follow and progress. It provides very helpful information on just about every page. I would highly recommend this to just about anyone with students in High School.

    Product Review by Dawn Winters, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, LLC, March, 2013
  • Now that two of my boys are in high school, my ears are frequently tuned towards SAT information. When to take it? How many times? How critical is scoring well to future college placement? And finally, how should my sons best prepare?

    If you want to know the basics of the test, visit here.

    Should a high SAT score be your goal? Of course you want your student to do well, but the SAT is only one piece of the puzzle. A survey published through the National Association of College Admission Counseling found 75% of the colleges interviewed reported using scores "holistically." Meaning, the tests are just one factor out of several in how an applicant is evaluated. Extra-curricular activities, GPA, course of study, curriculum quality, college prep-class grades, etc. all are taken into consideration.

    How you choose to prepare is entirely up to you, there are prep courses, tutors, practice tests, SAT question of the day, and if you are most interested in preparing for the English portion, this book by K. Tichenell specifically targets that.

    Tichenell's philosophy is that a student must be exposed to lots of challenging, sophisticated vocabulary, and should be well read in good literature. Understanding there are so many books and so little time, the author offers an interesting approach short stories (i.e. 6 pages) are presented with a plethora of unique words, with the definition provided in the sidebar. After reading the story the student will answer questions that will specifically test the comprehension of the words. Makes sense. Instead of just trying to memorize word meanings, read them in the context of a story, and you may find it easier to understand words such as nonce, cadent, predilection, vapid, and fardel.

    My 16 year old and I both sampled chapter 1. We averaged about 50%. He thought the exercise was challenging, but fun, and felt it was a nice complement to his SAT prep. Clearly we both need more exposure to sui generis palaver.

    My husband and I also enjoyed being set straight on when to use "who" or "whom", and all the little nuggets shared helped us understand the mysteries of the English language! This book includes quite a comprehensive explanation of English rules, standards, and overview of everything one would need to know to master English.

    However you decide to have your student prepare for the SAT is up to you, but considering this book provides a wealth of useful advice at a reasonable price, it might be a good place to start. I tend to agree with K. Tichenell's insight

    The ability to express thoughts clearly, coherently, and persuasively is an essential skill in college, in the workplace and indeed anywhere in the modern world. Even those whose role in society requires little or no communications skills will benefit occasionally from the ability to describe an event and write a convincing letter or, failing that, will suffer from the inability to do so at the hands of those who can.
  • SAT College Prep English Practice is the book to turn to when preparing for college entrance exams. Kim Titchenell has made learning the English language both appealing and doable. His `silly' stories, woven throughout with formal English words, make learning new words and how to use them just plain fun! The best part is that each chapter's vocabulary words are listed in a Glossary at the end of the chapter, rather than the end of the book, making it easy to begin utilizing them.

    Ginger Marks, CEO
    DocUmeant Publishing & DocUmeant Designs