Read Online The Heroin Diaries A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star Nikki Sixx 9781416511946 Books

By Bryan Richards on Monday 29 April 2019

Read Online The Heroin Diaries A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star Nikki Sixx 9781416511946 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 432 pages
  • Publisher MTV Books (October 28, 2008)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1416511946

The Heroin Diaries A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star Nikki Sixx 9781416511946 Books Reviews

  • First, let me say that my son was/is an addict & just over a year clean & sober. After he asked for help & we got him into the in-house rehab, based upon AA/NA principles, he came home on a day pass & we took him to eat @ the restaurant of his choice & then to to see the movie of his choice. Afterward, I asked him what helped him make the decision to become clean...first, he said us, then, he said he'd read the Heroine Diaries by Nikki Sixx, which he first checked out @ the local library...& then asked me to get as an ebook. It moved him.. I was working on my master's degree @ the time & didn't get a chance to read it until after I'd earned my degree (a/k/a yesterday). I finished it today. Nikki, your book was brutally honest & touched my kid to his soul. Now, I understand why. I'm thankful you wrote it. Thanks for helping me save the most important human being in my life...he's only 25 years old. He's going places now & has. remained strong. We just went to our first concert together on 10/10/15 in Evansville, IN....we both saw Motley Crue for the very first time (I've been trying to see your band since I was 16.. Crue has always been my favorite band...& Drew grew up listening to it his entire life. So...thank you for helping us through many tough times & helping him turn his life around & to you...congrats on your rehabilitation -Kim
  • Nikki hits a home run on this one. The first thing that struck me is the way the book is presented. It's not a dry, white page, black words presentation - it's constructed in a graphic novel motif, complete with sketches and anecdotal notes from Nikki and those around him at the time (Dec. 1986 - Dec. 1987). It was during this period I saw the Crue on the GGG tour. Little did the 18 yo in row 23 on the floor of the Spectrum realize the suicidal path of my heroes. This book makes you feel like taking a shower; it is raw, brutal, dirty, and always honest. This disease knows no boundaries, and Nikki shows (with a lot of hard work), you can manage to put a life together. The book is very sad a times, but so worth the read.
  • I really enjoyed reading Nkki's account of his rapid and total descent into heroin addiction. Its full of honesty and candor and he at no time makes excuses for it or blames others for it. Although his unstable childhood was no doubt a factor, he totally owns and takes responsibility for his behavior and addiction. I also enjoyed reading the perspectives of others who were around him during this time. It is truly amazing that he survived and is still around to talk about it. Its a cautionary tale that speaks volumes of his strength and resilience to make it through the horror of addiction, as so many other brilliant artists do not. Nikki's reflection on this time period of his life makes for good reading even if you're not a Motley Cru fan. It may even make you take a closer look.
  • I have to give this book 5 stars! This book, showed me, that when you love a band, and think you’re a super fan and know everything about them. I knew nothing, I never knew, Nikki Sixx was so broken, and has endured so much, and am amazed he came through everything he endured! This book gave me so much more respect, for him, and for the music he wrote for Motley Crue. I now find myself listening more to the lyrics and feeling some of the pain. I totally would recommend this book to not only Motley Crue fans, or Nikki Sixx fans, but anyone going through hardships or whatever your going through in life, we all can take notes from this man.
  • Motley Crue is my favorite band of all time. I've seen them play several times and they never disappoint. The Dirt on Motley Crue was an amazing read, so raw. In this book I find Nikki genuine and vulnerable. A series of journals written in a truly dark time of his life. I can't even believe he was able to even think to write in a journal at this time of his life. I'm glad he did. His upbringing is relatable but lead him down a very deep path. great book, easy read, so well written.
  • Excellent book. I'm a child of the 80s, so I grew up on Crue. I saw Vince way back when he was fired/quit from the band and went solo ,and he did all the Crue's songs anyway. And I saw them on their farewell tour in 2015.
    Excellent first person narrative of a man going to his own personal hell. The additional commentaries by people who were there to watch his fall and give their perspective is fascinating. Nikki's inside dirt on who did what to who and when is darkly funny and compelling
    An excellent read and cautionary tale of what unlimited access to whatever you want can do to you.
    Crue fans will love it and even if you're not a fan/not of this age category, it's just a plain good read.